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Life is Feudal is an MMO sandbox with a medieval setting. It is a game about the Middle Ages. The game has other spin-off games which are Life is Feudal: ME which is a sandbox survival game. Life is Feudal is created by indie studio Bitbox. MMO is an ambitious role-playing simulator and game that seeks to offer medieval life on a large scale on PC. In this way, thousands of players can immerse themselves in a living world that is constantly evolving around them. Thus, users get ready and can fight battles, start businesses, and change the economic flows and political options that surround them. In the video game, we start as humble peasants and we win to become the kings of the entire world. Get your subscription today. Do not miss great offers on the Life is Feudal voucher code.
Birdbox is the developer of this magnificent MMO game that you can buy. As you know that during the first steps in the game, some players can have complications and for that, you need the basics. Let's remember that life in the Middle Ages was not easy. In the trailer we will be able to see all the possibilities that the players have in Life is Feudal and it teaches you how to survive in this complicated medieval life. You can choose to be a gatherer, hunter, or better a floor or farmer. Everything is in the choice of each player. The video game has everything and more than you could imagine of a survival title set in medieval times: exploration, swords, shields, armor, horses, or resource management at the user's disposal, which will have an immense mapping to discover. Get the best offer on the Life is Feudal discount code.
Bitbox allows us to face daring Middle Ages with meticulous and trustworthy emphasis. Enjoy long hours of play and eagerness for the genre. The game knows what it wants to present and is fully aware of the essence that imbues it. However, it is for such reasons that the impossibility arises, because not all players are prepared to face the great work involved in entering the Middle Ages of Bitbox. The beginning is a little slow. The progression is difficult to perceive and, in the long term, the only thing that thrives in our interpretation. The intention is to force us to survive, to discover who to talk to, what to do, and how to do it. The geographical extension is larger, denser and, consequently, leads to mental shipwreck in a matter of seconds. Enjoy additional discounts on subscription via Life is Feudal promo code.
Official website - Life Extension